I don’t do a lot of commissions or prints these days. It’s not because I don’t like doing them. It’s more about the fact that I like making comics much more. So that’s where my main focus goes.
That said, I still like to play with other people’s toys from time to time, and creating a few new prints when convention season rolls around, is a great excuse to do so.
First up, Doctor Jones (and friends). Pencils and inks by me, colors, as usual, by Jason Millet.

Next up, is a piece focussed on Stephen Sommers’ two Mummy movies. Again, drawn by me with colors by Jason. Working on this, I got a great idea on how to do it as a comic. I know that Skybound Entertainment has the Universal license…I wonder if they’re be interested in doing something with these fun characters?
Anyway, here’s the art: